In the last two days I've witnessed a number of things at the dog park that have made me cringe. Here's my handy list of dogs that shouldn't visit public off leash spaces for their own safety as well as the other park users.
1. If your dog is aggressive to ANY other dog including puppies. Aggressive means your dog will bark, lunge, nip, sit on or other intimidate another dog. This has happened three times in two days to my clients with puppies. One of the incidents left the puppy with a cut on the nose and lip. Simply saying my dog doesn't like puppies isn't an excuse. Please seek out a dog trainer right away.
2. If your dog is aggressive to ANY person including children. Aggressive means your dog will bark, lunge, nip, jump all over, bang into and other intimidate another person. Simply saying my dog doesn't like men in hats or children isn't an excuse. Please seek out a dog trainer right away.
Please remember in these above examples you are responsible and liable for your dogs behaviour. These are not behaviours to be tolerated. Dog parks are for everyone and it is your job to ensure your dog is able to act like a well mannered individual.
3. If your dog is in season aka in heat aka swollen vulva aka bleeding. DO NOT come to the park. You are putting other dogs and people in a dangerous situation and also being unfair to your dog.
4. If your dog is ill or has a medical concern that puts him/her at risk of being in pain if they interact with another dog. Basically use common sense your dog could get hurt or become aggressive. Keep him or her at home and take on leash walks or visit areas where you won't run into others.
5. If your dog is an out of control, crazy excited kind of furry friend. Please seek out some dog training classes before unleashing your hyper hound on the rest of us.
6. Do not allow your children to run wild at the park either. Carrying toys or treats can also make them a target for someone else's aggressive or out of control dog. Teach children how to interact with dogs safely. Do not assume other dogs are friendly.
It's pretty simple but for some people it's really hard. You need to have a well manners, under control dog in order to visit off leash areas. If you don't there are other options like taking training classes, hiring an in home trainer, going for leash walks and playing dog sports where you can improve your dog's obedience.
Be smart and be safe!