Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How to Spot Signs of Injury Early…

Recently Marco and I were at an agility trial (his 3rd trial ever) and he did really great except for one pretty important thing. Every time he went to do his weave poles he couldn’t get the entrance, popped out in the middle and then again at the end. It seemed like he had no balance.  I was quick to think it’s a training issue since he’s a young dog and honestly I didn’t do enough of the foundation 2x2 work that really proofs the entrance. But the strange part was he never does this in practice… maybe he misses an entrance once in a while or pops out at the end but to miss the beginning, middle and end each time was just strange.  Lots of people were happy to tell me that just because he does it in training doesn’t mean he will do it a show but I just felt uneasy.

The next day I took my bouncy, happy Aussie to the park to play with Ari. Marco went for a quick sprint and then started limping and crying. Marco is by far the biggest cry baby I’ve ever met but this was strange even for him. So once again I was thinking that something wasn’t quite right. To add to that feeling my older Aussie Tank had torn a cruciate ligament a few years ago and I still feel guilty that it went undiagnosed for several months before we went for surgery. So in an effort to be proactive and knowing we have a rally trial in a few weeks that requires him to weave 6 poles I booked him in with my favourite dog Osteopath Dr. Taylor at the Sundance Animal Clinic.

Turns out that Marco’s neuter in June left some scar tissue which is normal but it pulled on his hip which then affected his knee. So luckily for Marco he was able to get treated and should be healed up after a week of rest now that everything has been set back into position. However this can easily affect ANY dog that has been neutered or spayed and most owners don’t do performance dog sports and are therefore less likely to notice when their dog is slightly uncomfortable. So this can go on for years and years resulting in much more serious repercussions. Dogs can’t talk and tell us when things hurt. And unlike Marco most dogs won’t tell you when they’re in pain. Marco is very rare in his ability to whine (he thought he couldn’t walk for 2 days after his neuter and spent an entire week crying and acting strange). So lucky for me Marco lets me know. But how will you know when your dog is injured?

Here’s a few rules to go by:
-          Your dog isn’t running around as much or seems to tire out quickly at the park/off leash (Marco use to run fast and for long periods of time but for the past few months I had noticed a decline in his exuberance and endurance)
-          Your dog isn’t carrying his/her weight evenly when walking
-          Your dog has suddenly developed signs of dog aggression or general anxiety
-          Loss of appetite/lethargic
-          Can’t do simply tricks that require balance like sit pretty, spin/twist, etc.
-          Your gut tells you that something is off

Don’t ignore the small signs or think that just because your dog isn’t listening there’s a training problem. A LOT of behavior problems stem from health concerns. When my older Aussie Tank tore his cruciate he wouldn’t readily sit on command. I’m happy that I didn’t just assume he was being stubborn or difficult.

And Dr. Taylor wanted to add that any dog that has just had a spay or neuter surgery done should have a checkup. Many dogs suffer from problems due to scar tissue. Preventative check ups cost you less (because you won’t need as many) and your dog will be much happier.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dog Attacks & What You Can Do

The media seems to be covering an awful lot of dog to dog violence in Calgary lately. Unfortunately dogs are animals and sometimes altercations occur and can leave the other dog (or both) seriously injured. Rather than harping about bad owners or potentially dangerous breeds I want to take another approach. There will always be irresponsible owners, accidents and dogs who are aggressive so let’s explore how to protect yourself, your kids and of course your furry family members.

Random, unprovoked dog attacks are rare which is why they make the front page of the paper. Dogs (particularly in dog parks, daycares, etc) have minor conflicts all the time which don’t cause harm. For example I took 10 month old Ari to Southland Off Leash Park on Sunday where not one but two dogs actually bit him (no injury or reaction from Ari but meant as a keep away snip). Both times the owners were oblivious and I had to intervene. Ari is an intact male which causes him to be a victim more often than not and of no fault of his own. I know this and keep my eyes on him AT ALL TIMES.


So what does this tell you? The first is that you need to watch your dog closely and learn what’s appropriate and what’s not. This can be very difficult for a novice dog owner. The best way to learn?
-          Attend a dog seminar on behavior

-          Contact the Calgary Humane Society about their body language course

-          Go to dog parks and watch dogs closely

Good dog trainers spend a lot of time learning to read dogs but if you use parks then you should be making at least a few hours of time to become familiar.

How do you intervene anyway? I use my voice a lot. Yelling out a “hey stop it” in a firm tone does wonders for most dogs or at the very least wakes the other owner up and they usually grab their dog and flee. I’m not trying to be mean just startle the dogs and change their focus. Clapping hands or stomping feet can work as well. Never reach in and try to pull dogs apart (chances are you’ll increase aggression and get bit yourself).

I always carry an air horn with me on every walk (on leash or off). Air horns are loud and will break up many dog fights. They also work on wildlife like coyotes and bears. They are scary but when you’re faced with an actual fight they can keep you safe and end the altercation. I don’t use an air horn unless there’s an actual fight. Air horns can be purchased at stores like Canadian Tire and come in various sizes.

Other things to have with you? I also carry a spare leash. It’s a slip leash so I can throw it over a dog’s head without touching them. I don’t want to ever grab a dog with my hands. They work for strays as well. A spare leash doesn’t take up much room in your bag or pocket and it’s good to have one. I’ve used mine more times than I can count.

If you notice an inappropriate dog at the park don’t fight with the owner. Just gather your dog up and leave. I’ve witnessed human to human disagreements turn into violent encounters just as often as dog fights.

Inappropriate means a dog that gives you a bad feeling, causes your dog to be uncomfortable or harassed, jumps all over you or your kids, etc. If the dog is out of control no matter the breed then it’s best to leave.

When on walks pay attention to your dog and keep your kids close. Don’t take on more than you can handle. I know that I cannot handle all 4 of my current dogs by myself at a dog park. I don’t have that many eyes. I can however comfortably walk 3 of them by myself. So it’s important to make decisions on what you can manage. This involves evaluating your dog’s obedience level, age, breed, play style and if you’re taking your kids along as well. If you have too much on your plate than ask a friend/spouse to come along or choose to walk the dogs separately. I know that sounds like a lot of work but it’s better to be safe. This can also influence whether you take a dog off leash or not. If I need to walk all 4 dogs at once then I can choose to keep them on leash (or some of them on leash), visit a non-busy park or take them out in shifts. I know that with 2 senior dogs (one is fearful) and a young puppy that having everyone all together by myself would be a disaster. More often than not I take the big boys out together and choose another activity for the small ones.


Other things to keep in mind:

-          Avoid busy, peak times at the park

-          Try to walk in lit areas once the sun goes down so you can see your surrondings (River Park off leash area has lights throughout)

-          Avoid areas/yards where dogs are kept as they could potentially get out

-          Avoid dogs/people that seem out of control, inappropriate or threatening (don’t make this assumption based on breed as all dogs can attack and bite)

-          Carrying safety equipment including an air horn, spare leash and cellphone

-          Familiarize yourself with Calgary bylaws and follow them

-          Take your dog to obedience classes so you can at least control your own pet (having a solid recall and stay are paramount for ANY dog)

-          Keep your female dog that’s in heat at home or in on leash areas not frequented by off leash dogs

-          Keep your kids close by, don’t have them swinging dog toys or sticks around and teach themhow to safely greet dogs (not all dogs like kids NO MATTER what breed)

Now with all that said and down you can’t prevent all situations from happening. Many emergency situations can happen when on a walk so be alert, learn first aid, have emergency numbers on hand and try to be prepared.